Check Out This Awesome Guitar Shop In Norwich

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Guitar Shop In Norwich

Cookes Band Instruments - An Awesome Guitar Shop In Norwich

Are you searching for an awesome guitar shop to purchase a new guitar, guitar amp, guitar pedal or any other fun gear?

Cookes Band Instruments in Norwich has been working hard to create the ultimate guitar-purchasing environment to inspire guitarists at all stages of their guitar-playing journey.

Cookes Guitar Shop Logo

This Music Shop Now Looks Amazing!

Cookes looks amazing inside, so I just had to step out of my studio and create a video for my YouTube channel to show off the amazing work the guys have been doing. There are two showrooms dedicated to acoustic guitars, a bass guitar area and the main electric guitar section of the shop... which looks fantastic!

Even if you are not looking to buy a new guitar, this is one music shop definitely worth visiting as they have a massive range of guitar makes and models in stock to wet your appetite.

More Guitar Shop Videos To Come

My plan is to make more videos in Cookes and have fun trying out all the new gear on offer. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don't miss new videos.

Prefer To Read Rather Than Watch?

If you are a reader rather than a watcher, I have included screenshots from my guitar shop video with a summary of what I had to say about Cookes below.

Cookes From The Street

Here we have the front of the shop with the sign proudly showing that Cookes was established in 1887.

Cookes Guitar Shop Outside

The Shop's Meet And Greet Area

Stepping through the door to the meet and greet area, Matthew and Mark are primed and ready to serve. I’ve known these guys for many years. The meet and greet area has all the guitar strings, cables and other accessories you will need. Great to see an extensive selection of Klotz cables.

Cookes Guitar Shop Meet And GreetCookes Guitar Shop Klotz Cables

Acoustic Guitar Room 1

So here we have the first acoustic guitar room that includes a good selection of acoustic guitars including Hofner, Martin and Faith guitars. All elegantly displayed and awaiting to be played.

Cookes Guitar Shop Acoustic Guitar Room 1

Acoustic Guitar Room 2

Moving to acoustic guitar room number 2, there are many more makes and models of acoustic guitars on display, along with a good selection of classical guitars.


Supporting Norwich Musicians

Moving up the stairs, it’s awesome to see all these photos of musicians from around the region.

If you are an East Anglian musician, you may well find yourself being part of this treasure trove of local music history. There has been a thriving music scene in East Anglia for as long as I can remember, so it’s great to support the local talent. I recognise many of these faces.

Cookes Guitar Shop Norwich Musicians

Guitar Heaven

Moving through the door, we truly have reached guitar heaven. This room looks incredible with the fantastic display of electric guitars.

In this room, you will find a huge range of instruments from top brands including PRS, Ibanez, Fender, Cort, Yamaha, Jackson and many other makes and models to tempt you. Many different flavours of guitar amplifier are also here along with other fun guitar gadgets and gizmos. As guitarists, we do love our gadgets and gizmos. I must have one more look at this range of PRS guitars. Oh… lovely.


Fender Guitar Shop

And here is a closer look at the Fender electric guitar section. My main two electric guitars are my trusty tele and strat, so I feel very much at home here.

Cookes Guitar Shop Fender Guitars

Archtops Anyone?

Not forgetting archtops! There is also  a great range of guitar pedals close by. All the latest Strymon guitar pedals are now in stock, so much temptation for me with those.


Gretsch Guitars

The range of Gretsch guitars are looking very nice.

Cookes Guitar Shop Gretsch Guitars

Try New Guitar Gear In Private

A few more guitars on the wall in this room in which you can try out new gear. This is an awesome space to try out your next purchase in private, away from everybody else. There’s a comfy stool and everything is all set up for you to play. I love how the room has been decorated. Such a cool theme with the yellow submarine on the wall. Even the windows fit in with the theme. 


Shop For Bass Guitars

If you play bass guitar, here is yet another room that features many makes and models to keep any bass player happy. Lots of bass guitar amplifiers to choose from too.

Cookes Guitar Shop Bass Guitars

Check Out The Guitar View!

To finish this quick tour of the shop, another look the awe-inspiring guitar room is definitely needed. Just look at that view. Guitar Heaven indeed!

Cookes Guitar Shop Electric Guitar Room

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