Acoustic Duo With A Big Sound!

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Acoustic Duo At Dunston Hall Event

Acoustic Duo And Percussion

I have played many gigs in my acoustic duo with the awesome vocals of Claire Barker since lockdowns were lifted and the gigs have been so enjoyable. It's great to be back doing what we love!

If you have seen us perform recently, you will have heard our big sound with added percussion. My new Stomp Box pedal has made so much difference to our sound and I decided to upload a video to YouTube demonstrating the awesomeness of this pedal. Claire is not in this video, although you can hear some of the great sounds that can be produced. Add Claire's amazing vocals and our other creative musical gadgets to the mix and you will start to see the potential of our growing collection of toys.

A Demo Of My Stomp Pedal

Many Public Gigs Coming Soon!

I have many gigs coming up over the next few months, many of which are public gigs. Most of my gigs are either with the Claire Barker And Paul Hill Duo or with the Claire Barker Band. The Christmas season is now extremely busy, so hopefully, things will be completely different from the craziness of this time last year.

If you would like to join the fun and attend a gig, I have gig details on my public gigs page. Any private gigs are obviously not listed.

Hopefully See You At A Gig

It is so great to be back gigging and I am so looking forward to the busy gigging months ahead. It has been great watching everybody having an awesome time and dancing the night away. Who would have thought that dancing would be banned!?! Hopefully, the craziness of covid has come to an end and this year will be an awesome time for everybody over the Christmas period.

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